PetMenu™ vs Processed Food

Both the above meals contain 500kcal, 50g of protein, and cost $2.20

You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know that fresh food is healthier than processed. Pet food is mass-produced in factories as cheaply as possible to maximize profits. Pet food isn’t subject to the health regulations of human food and can contain unhealthy levels of things like copper or salt.

Health Benefits

There are huge health benefits to ditching processed food and switching to fresh-food based meals. Fresh food contains moisture and more fibre, so meals are much larger calorie for calorie. Pets love bigger meals and they feel satisfied for longer. Owners who made the switch have noticed:

  • less diarrhea
  • better teeth and breath
  • poops aren't as foul-smelling
  • shinier coats
  • less itchy skin and paw-licking
  • better weight management
  • more balanced energy levels
  • fewer vet visits

Did you know that world’s oldest dog ate a diet of human food and lived to 31 years old?

Preparation Time

There’s no denying that feeding processed kibble is quick and easy but fresh homemade meals don’t take as long to prepare as you might think. Most foods are served raw and it really doesn’t take long to chop up some meat and vegetables.

Cost Comparison

Homemade pet food doesn’t as much to make as you might think. We compared the cost of a range of “premium” dry foods with homemade meals using fresh supermarket ingredients in Australia, for a 6-month-old large breed puppy with a calorie requirement of 1,500 kcal per day. Here are the numbers: