What does the App do?

The PetMenu™ App is for people who want to ditch processed pet food and make homemade meals for their pets instead, but still want to ensure their pets get a balanced diet with the right calories and the right nutrients they need to be healthy. The App creates appropriate menus (or "meal plans") for each pet using fresh ingredients from your local grocery store.

You create Profiles for each pet and the App first calculates how many calories per day they need. Then it calculates their daily requirements of important nutrients like protein, fat, carbohydrates, omega-3, calcium and other minerals and vitamins.

Next the App creates individual daily menus and selects foods and quantities to meet each pet's nutrition needs. Using a database of current food prices at each major supermarket the App designs menus using the lowest cost foods, provided each food has the right nutrients. This way you can feel confident you're meeting their nutrition needs using homemade food at an economical cost.

The App combines all your pet's menus into a single weekly shopping list so you know exactly what to buy; and even tells you the cheapest store to shop at.

Finally the App gives you a simple Prep Guide to speed up food preparation starting with the things that take the longest and giving you helpful tips along the way.

How much does the App cost?

PetMenu™ is free!

In time we will be launching a premium version for a small monthly fee that allows for greater menu customisation and more features; but there won't be a requirement to upgrade unless you want to.

What are the benefits of homemade pet food?

Well, for one, you know exactly what's in it because you made it. It isn't highly processed or made in a factory somewhere.

The benefits for pets are that fresh homemade food is more hydrating, contains higher quality ingredients, and doesn't contain fillers that are put into pet food (like ash). Homemade meals, calorie for calorie, are usually much bigger than dried kibble and keeps pets feeling full for longer. Their poop doesn't smell as foul and their breath isn't as smelly.

Many pet owners who've made the switch report fewer allergies, less itchy skin, and fewer vet visits. The world's oldest dog ate a diet of homemade human food. He lived to 31 years old!

Does homemade cost more than store-bought pet food?

No, not usually, and that's the surprising thing. But store-bought pet food varies widely in price so it depends what you're comparing it to.

Homemade food using high-quality ingredients like raw meats, fish and fresh veggies usually costs about the same (calorie for calorie) as a premium brand of kibble. It does costs more than the cheapest brands of pet food, but it costs dramatically less than fresh/raw/human-grade pet food delivery options.

Is every meal the same?

On a given day each meal is different. So, if you feed your pet 3 times per day they will get 3 completely different meals per day. Each daily menu will be the same until it changes in one of two ways:

When food prices change
When stores change their prices, and an ingredient in your menu is no longer the lowest cost, your menus will update. For example, if your pet's menu contains lamb and beef becomes cheaper than lamb, then menus will start to use beef instead.

When you change food likes/dislikes
When you feel like it's time for a change you can update your pet's food Likes & Dislikes list, and a new menu will be generated based on your changes.

Where do I buy the ingredients?

At your local supermarket. The App doesn't use any foods that you won't be able to find there. If you don't like going grocery shopping and prefer to order online or "click-and-collect" you can continue to do that.

The App gives you a single shopping list for all your pets ingredients and even sorts it into the order that you will find them in your preferred store.

Do I have to cook everything?

No, most foods are served raw. Most meats, veggies and fruits just need to be chopped up. You don't even need to peel most veggies because a lot of the nutrients are in the skin.

Some meats (like chicken and turkey) should be cooked for health reasons and a few veggies like sweet potatoes and grains need to be cooked because they are hard for pets to digest raw.

How long does homemade pet food take to make?

It depends how many pets you're feeding and how much food they need but usually you can prep everything ready for the week in about 45 minutes.

The App gives you a Prep Guide that tells you what you need to do step by step to help you get through it in the shortest possible time, starting with the things that take the longest.

What if my pet is a picky eater?

Some pets dislike certain foods so you can add those foods to your pet's Dislike list and the won't be used in their menu. The App will select different foods instead that have similar nutritional profiles. Note that disliking foods might increase the cost of their menu slightly because the alternative foods could be more expensive.

What if my pet has food allergies / intolerances?

Add those foods to your pet's Dislike list and the won't be used in their menu. The App will select different foods instead that have similar nutritional profiles. Note that disliking foods might increase the cost of their menu slightly because the alternative foods could be more expensive.

Aren't some human foods toxic to dogs?

Yes some are, but the App doesn't use any of these foods. The food database only contains foods that are safe for dogs and, if your dog has a specific intolerance, you can add that food to the Dislike list so it won't be used.

Do I need to add supplements?

We believe the best source of nutrients is from fresh food where possible. For example you don't need to buy omega-3 supplements when you can feed them fish that's high in omega-3 instead. And dogs need calcium but a great source of calcium is powdered egg shells rather than a calcium supplement.

However sometimes human foods don't provide sufficient amounts of certain micro-nutrients like zinc or biotin in which case adding a supplement can compensate for any shortfalls. The App gives you detailed nutrition data for each pet's menu so you can easily see any nutrients that need "topping-up".

Why does my vet advise against homemade pet food?

Sometimes it's because experience has taught them owners making homemade food don't feed their pets a nutritionally balanced diet. It's true that pets have different nutritional needs to humans and a typical human meal often isn't appropriate for pets. Human meals can be high in salt and seasonings, or contain garlic and onions which pets shouldn't eat. Some vets are therefore cautious and advise against homemade food completely.

Other times, unfortunately, it's because they have a commercial relationship to promote or sell a particular brand of processed pet food. If you see pet food for sale in your vet's clinic that could be the reason.

It's worth remembering that 100 years ago we didn't have pet food and pets all ate human food.